What is CMFlix?

CMFlix is a live streaming service where you can stream first-class African movies, TV shows, Comedy, and Live TV Channels on demand, everywhere you go, and on multiple devices

What is CMFlix?
webpage of cmflix

CMFlix is a Live streaming service where you can stream first-class African movies, TV shows, Comedy, and Live TV Channels on demand, everywhere you go, and on multiple devices.

You can watch over 200+ instant live TV Channels, CMFlix exclusives, Top African movies, TV shows you know and love, or discover a brand-new series with CMFlix. You can watch CMFlix on your TV screen, PC, Laptop, or on your mobile phone. In fact, think of CMFlix as a mobile television or television in your pocket.

Within this year, CMFlix will be releasing exlusives like; The Producer, Go underground, Na shock. Ride along with CMFlix where entertainment is never enough.